
Old Mill Rural Video: How pensions can help your business

Are you a farmer or business owner looking for funding to buy new land or premises?  Do you want to explore how your pension fund can be utilised for the benefit of your business? Are you a rural business that needs a cash injection? Understanding how your pension can help your business may hold the answers to some of these questions.

5th May 2021


0.42 Is this webinar for you? 

01.03 Introduction of presenters 

Pensions General 

02.02 Question 1 – Is there a limit on how much money you can have in your pension? 

03.29 Question 2 – How much can you put into a pension, annually? 

05.40 Question 3 – How much can I withdraw from my pension? 

07.33 Question 4 – What happens when I die? 

10.37 Question 5 – Can I use a pension to help start a business, grow a business, expand a business, pass on to the next generation? 

What is a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP/ Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS)? 

12.58 Question 6 – What is it and can you actually put into a SIPP/SASS? 

Tell me more about land purchases 

14.54 Question 7 – Can I put an agricultural building into a pension fund, can I build one from scratch and can I put in an old building? 

17.45 Question 8 – Can I develop an existing building? 

18.32 Question 9 – Do you pay tax if you sell the property within the pension? 

20.13 Question 10 – Can a farmhouse be included in the purchase? 

21.11 Question 11 – Suppose you haven’t got enough in your pension, can you pool funds with a business partner? 

23.37 Question 12 – What happens if we want to buy more land? 

24.46 Question 13 – Supposing you transferred the land into the pension and then sold the land for planning, how would that work? 

Tell me more about using a pension to grow your business 

26.45 Question 14 – If you had one of those SIPPS/SSAS’s, how can you use it to grow your business? 

29.51 Question 15 – So, if you have built a successful farm business, how can a pension help you if you want to sell or pass on the farm? 

33.18 Question 16 – Exchanging property to a new owner or family member 

What services do Old Mill offer? 

35.36 What is the best way to explore pension and other services with Old Mill? 

38.12 Contact details for our pensions and financial planning team 

For more information, or if you have any questions about any of the above, please contact your Old Mill adviser or click here…