International Women’s Day 2025

Jenny Carlin, Architect and founding Director of Silvan Architects

4th March 2025


Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get into your current line of work? How do you spend your spare time? What are your passions in life?

I’m an architect and founding director of Silvan Architects, a small residential practice in Bath.

My passion is helping people create homes that truly support them, without excess, waste, or stress.  I believe architecture should be thoughtful, kind, and resourceful, and I find the most joy in guiding clients through the process of improving their homes.

More than anything, I care about my clients and their well-being – far more than my ego cares about the buildings themselves. I love guiding my clients through the journey of improving their homes, ensuring their spaces work for them rather than just adding square footage for the sake of it.

I also believe sustainability in construction doesn’t have to be complicated. Building less is one of the simplest and most effective choices for both the planet and your pocket. To achieve this, I prioritise lifestyle over adding floor area and design clever spaces that work hard for the people who live in them. Thoughtful design also means minimising demolition and making the most of an existing building wherever possible.

When new construction is needed, I’m passionate about using natural, low-impact materials to create homes that are warmer, healthier, and more energy-efficient. I specialise in timber construction and natural insulation made from materials such as wood fibre, wool, and hemp, which not only perform well but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.

In my spare time, I love a crafting project and I’m used to getting out about with my children learning new things. I’ve also discovered a midlife love of exercise and been surprised by how much I enjoy weight training. I currently deadlift 100kg and I love the power and mindfulness that comes from being focused and fully present in the moment.


What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a nurturing occasion, giving us a pause for thought and a chance to reflect and celebrate the progress we’ve made, and personally celebrating going about business in a truly feminine way.

Silvan was incorporated two years ago in 2022 with a slightly unique approach: every year, we aim to do less but achieve more. This philosophy means prioritising a better work-life balance, spending more time with our children, and finding more joy, satisfaction, and, ultimately, more happy clients. It’s still a work in progress, but as the company matures, I want to refine alternative ways of measuring success – focusing on sustainable growth (both environmental and social) rather than traditional economic goals.

This might sound idealistic, but I want to move away from using growth in turnover or profit to measure success. While financial stability is important, I believe true success should be measured by the impact we have on people’s lives – the spaces we create, the way we nurture relationships with clients, and the balance we strike between work and personal life. I believe this shift reflects a distinctly female perspective, probably shaped in part by our traditional roles as caregivers. It’s a perspective that values qualities beyond the confines of a male-dominated industry, such as balance, wellbeing, and community. Values that I believe have a meaningful and essential place in business.


As an inspirational woman in the workplace and/or community, how do you or how would you like to make an impact to promote equity and empower other women?

In the UK, there have always been women entering the architectural profession, with take-up figures ranging from 40 to 50%. However, among registered architects, the split becomes 31 women to 69 men. This early drop-off between education and practice is a major challenge for the sector.

My team varies between two and four, and we all work part-time around other commitments. I’m proud to be able to support all of their varying obligations outside of work, without thinking less of their dedication to the profession. My fundamental aim is to be a nurturing business. I’m not afraid of emotional honesty and getting my hands dirty (in conversation and on-site) and I think this lack of judgement, in addition to true flexibility and empathy, is a start in preventing this drop-off.

I’ve recently started teaching on Bath Spa’s new architecture degree course, which offers me the chance to support the University in introducing a fresh, inclusive approach to architecture practice to the next generation of professionals. Teaching is such a privilege, and being able to offer an alternative perspective in a traditionally white male-dominated profession helps shape a more diverse and equitable industry for students of all genders.


Which women are you inspired by and why?

It’s mostly the women around me – my daughter, mother, sister, colleagues, students, and clients – who continue to inspire and challenge me daily.

At the moment, I’m particularly inspired by my female first-year students. What’s most rewarding is that they teach and inspire me just as much as I hope to inspire them. They make me see things from fresh perspectives, challenging me to think differently about situations or design problems.  By publicly acknowledging their contributions to my life and work, I help empower them in return, creating a positive cycle of inspiration and growth. It feels like we’re all part of a metaphorical group hug!


What do you love about being a woman?

I love that being a woman allows me to lead with unapologetic kindness, both in my personal and professional life, and to inspire others to do the same. Ultimately, being a woman means embracing multi-dimensionality, where all parts of myself – whether caring, creative, introspective or strong – are valued and celebrated.

Silvan Architects

Silvan are down to earth architects based in Bath, and we don’t want building to cost the earth or your wellbeing. We support you to act kindly and build mindfully, and be sustainable through sufficiency. Get in touch to tell us more about you and your project.


Photograph by Peter Helme Photography