Old Mill Updates

Watch it back: Virtual Q&A for business owners with Phil Mills and Mark Neath

Thank you to everyone who joined our Virtual Q&A on Wednesday 6 May, and for those who asked us a question.

In this session we featured the below topics and we’ve highlighted the time they were discussed so you can get to that section with ease.

6th May 2020


3.12 The bit about where things are from an adviser’s perspective after six weeks of lockdown including how to tackle the three stages of a crisis (& counting sheep in Excel!) – Mark Neath

9.15 The bit about how food & drink businesses are adapting to the ‘new normal’ – Phil Mills

14.36 The bit about the government’s plans to wind down the Covid-19 wage-subsidy scheme – Phil Mills

19.23 The bit about the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and a cautionary note on affordability and the potential for collateral damage – Mark Neath

24.42 The bit about understanding cashflow anomalies and the working capital cycle – Mark Neath

29.30 The bit where it all goes wrong (Phil drops off the webinar)!

30.48 The bit about accessing the Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) – Phil Mills

32.47 The bit about the discretionary top-up scheme for SMEs who are not eligible for other grants – Phil Mills

35.30 The bit about the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) – Mark Neath

For more information, or if you have any questions about any of the above, please contact your Old Mill adviser or email enquiries@om.uk