Wealth Management

Why is being a Chartered Financial Planning firm important?

​Achieving Chartered status is a commitment to the highest levels of professional standards and Old Mill are proud to be a firm of Chartered Financial Planners. We were one of the first firms to be awarded corporate Chartered status by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) when it was introduced in 2005. The CII is the professional body for Insurance and Personal Finance.

9th June 2023


Businesses and individuals must demonstrate the highest standards in the following areas:
Client centric
Chartered firms have in place core values and business practices that means always acting in the best interests of our clients.
Nurturing knowledge
Ensuring our staff have the highest levels of technical and professional knowledge and competence through professional qualifications and experience.
Serving society
Chartered status is a universal badge of professionalism in which society can put its trust. Chartered firms drive initiatives focused on social good and Old Mill and its staff support a wide range of good causes in the South West of England.

We would encourage you to look out for these qualities in your dealings with any financial planning professionals.

So what's in a status?

The Chartered status is important in that it denotes a certain level of competence and professionalism and recognises individuals’ qualifications. As a client you can be assured of a high level of competence and professionalism.

Given the amount of hard work that goes into obtaining Chartered status, both individuals and firms are understandably proud of the accolade. We can display the Chartered logo on our website and marketing material so do keep an eye out for it on our literature and communications.