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Professional SDLT advice for companies, partnerships, trusts and individuals purchasing residential and/or non-residential land and property.

Stamp Duty Land Tax

Stamp Duty Land Tax Overview

Looking for expert assistance with Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) services? Old Mill Accountants offers a comprehensive SDLT service tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experienced tax professionals are well-versed in SDLT legislation and provide personalized advice to ensure compliance with HMRC regulations.

With our SDLT service, you can expect meticulous reviews and accurate calculations of SDLT payable. We take into account property value, type, and applicable exemptions or reliefs to optimise your SDLT position and minimize your tax burden.

If you are facing HMRC inquiries regarding your SDLT return and need expert assistance in responding, our team is here to help. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we can provide valuable support in addressing these concerns. Furthermore, we offer seamless collaboration with your conveyancing solicitor to ensure a comprehensive SDLT return from the very beginning. By taking this proactive approach, we aim to consider and tackle any potential challenges promptly, streamlining the entire process for your peace of mind.

At Old Mill Accountants, we go beyond compliance. Our proactive approach keeps you informed of SDLT legislative changes that may impact your property transactions. We offer strategic guidance and planning opportunities to maximize your tax efficiency.

We understand the complexities of SDLT and aim to make the process smooth and hassle-free for you. Our commitment to exceptional client service means we’re always available to answer your queries and provide timely advice.

By choosing Old Mill Accountants for your SDLT needs, you can have peace of mind knowing your property transactions are handled by skilled professionals. We ensure you meet SDLT obligations while optimizing your tax position.

To ensure utmost transparency and deliver the highest quality service, we prioritise establishing a fixed fee agreement with you prior to commencing any work. This approach guarantees that you receive exceptional value for your investment. In certain instances involving more intricate matters, it may be more suitable to adopt a time-based billing approach. Our aim is to cater to your specific needs while offering flexibility and fair pricing.


Contact us today to discuss your SDLT requirements and benefit from our expertise in navigating the complexities of Stamp Duty Land Tax. Trust Old Mill Accountants for reliable SDLT services that meet your unique needs.



Multiple Dwellings Relief (MDR)

Unlock significant Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) savings by claiming Multiple Dwellings Relief (MDR) when purchasing two or more dwellings in a single transaction. However, HMRC often challenges MDR claims, making it crucial to ensure compliance with their requirements. Our comprehensive property report confirms the eligibility and extent of your MDR claim, providing valuable documentation to address HMRC inquiries effectively.


Mixed Use

Determining whether a property purchase involves a combination of residential and non-residential components can be deceptively intricate. Our team examines relevant legislation and case law decisions to determine the viability of a mixed-use claim. Trust our expertise to assess your situation accurately and advise on the appropriate course of action.


Additional Property Surcharge

Since April 1, 2016, the introduction of the 3% Additional Property Surcharge has significantly increased SDLT liabilities for certain individuals. Our professionals can guide you through the complex landscape of surcharge payments, assisting in identifying if the surcharges apply to your property purchase. In relevant circumstances, we can help you pursue a refund of the surcharge, ensuring you optimise your SDLT position.


Non-Resident Surcharge

From April 1, 2021, non-residents purchasing residential property in the UK face a 2% or 5% SDLT rate increase, depending on the property’s status as an ‘additional dwelling.’ Navigating the intricate rules surrounding the non-resident surcharge can be bewildering, but our experts are here to assist you. We assess whether the surcharges apply to your property purchase and help you reclaim the surcharge when applicable.


Comprehensive Services

In addition to the aforementioned areas, we offer assistance with HMRC enquiries, leases, partnership transactions, and more. Contact us today to explore how our expertise can support your specific needs.


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