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Performance of the Old Mill Portfolios

Concerns that inflation was proving to be ‘stickier’ than previously thought caused stocks and bonds to come under pressure through June and into early July. As July progressed however, data was far more favourable for inflation moderating and assets rose.

11th August 2023

Performance of our standard portfolios

Performance since the last insight (from Friday 30 June 2023 to Friday 4 August 2023)

Most portfolios saw good growth from the dip at the beginning of July to the end of July until concerns over global growth moderated returns at the beginning of August.

Performance over the last year (up to Friday 4 August)

Performance over the last year shows the sharp falls from August last year as inflation caused concern along with the ‘mini budget’ from Liz Truss. Pressure from longer dated gilts – the Legal & General Index Linked Gilt fund and falls in global property have meant that most portfolios have finished lower.

Longer term performance of standard portfolios (up to Friday 4 August)

Investing is a longer-term pursuit and taking a look at the ten-year graph to August, the portfolios are showing a more robust picture depending on the risk you have taken.

Performance of our sustainable portfolios

Sustainable portfolios performance since the last insight (from Friday 30 June 2023 to Friday 4 August 2023)

Sustainable portfolios performance was slightly below the original portfolios over the period with Global value and UK stocks doing well, which have a lower allocation in the sustainable portfolios.

Performance over the last year (up to Friday 4 August 2023)

Performance over the last year for sustainable portfolios has been similar to the standard portfolios.

Longer term performance of Sustainable portfolios (up to Friday 4 August 2023)

The sustainable portfolios have only been available to our investors for the last five years, but the graph below shows the longer time frame of ten years showing the potential upside over longer periods.

Longer term performance of the sustainable portfolios shows robust growth.

Portfolio Investments

The table below shows the performance of a number of asset classes for the last year and the annualized return over five years as at close of play on Wednesday 31 July.