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Old Mill Group - Accountants & Financial Advisers in Exeter

Old Mill Exeter - Accounting and Tax Services in Exeter

Exeter Office

Leeward House
Fitzroy Road
Exeter Business Park

Telephone: +44 (0)1392 214635
Email: enquiries@om.uk

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We are proud to have our financial and accounting experts in Devon’s capital city, Exeter, a city of strong economic growth – particularly in the fields of data and technical science. Our Exeter hub allows us to support a thriving selection of cutting edge owner managed businesses, rural clients and food and drink specialists throughout Devon and Cornwall.

Our Exeter History

Recognising the significance of Exeter as an economic powerhouse in the South West, we first set up a base here in 2006. We are now located in smart, modern offices at Leeward House to the east of the city (near to the Met Office, which boasts Europe’s largest supercomputer), with over thirty staff helping ambitious business across the region.

Our Community

With the draw of a thriving cultural city combined with the outdoor treats of Dartmoor and and the Jurassic coast, it’s no accident that our Exeter office tends to attract a wide demographic of young ambitious staff who are keen to indulge their personal and professional passions in culture, commerce, food and drink and the great outdoors. The Old Mill team has an active role in the city, and gets involved in many charity events – especially if they involve physical endurance, or mud.

Accounting and Finance Services in Exeter

Tax Services in Exeter

To chat to us about your plans or book an appointment, get in touch with us here.

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